nodejs开发工程师前景_Google NodeJS运行时团队的工程师Matt Loring访谈
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by Sameer Khoja

通过Sameer Khoja

Google NodeJS运行时团队的工程师Matt Loring访谈 (An Interview with Matt Loring, an engineer on Google’s NodeJS Runtime team)

I had the pleasure of interviewing (Cornell class of 2015) who works at Google on their Node.js runtime team. He’s also done some pretty awesome projects on the side.

我很高兴采访了 (2015年,康奈尔课程),他在Google的Node.js运行时团队中工作 。 他还完成了一些非常出色的项目。

Here’s what Matt had to say.


DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed are solely Matt’s own and do not express the views or opinions of Google.


您在Google从事什么工作? (What do you do at Google?)

I work on diagnostic tooling, profiling, and performance optimization for the Node.js runtime and the V8 JavaScript engine. We make sure that our many clients can rely on using Node.js as their backend service and focus more on the business logic of their applications. More specifically, I contribute to the Node.js open source project and work on tools to make it easy to deploy and monitor Node.js applications on the Google Cloud Platform.

我致力于Node.js运行时和V8 JavaScript引擎的诊断工具,性能分析和性能优化。 我们确保许多客户可以依赖于将Node.js用作后端服务,并更多地关注其应用程序的业务逻辑。 更具体地说,我为Node.js开源项目做出了贡献,并致力于各种工具,以简化在Google Cloud Platform上部署和监视Node.js应用程序的过程。

您能否描述Google Cloud Platform,以及Node.js如何发挥作用? (Could you describe the Google Cloud Platform, and how Node.js plays a role?)

The Google Cloud Platform allows companies to focus on the business end of their applications rather than spending time managing infrastructure or provisioning servers. Node.js is an incredibly popular option to deploy on to the Google Cloud, and my team helps make that happen.

Google Cloud Platform可使公司专注于其应用程序的业务端,而不用花费时间管理基础架构或配置服务器。 Node.js是一个非常受欢迎的选择,可以部署到Google Cloud,我的团队帮助实现了这一目标。

您最喜欢Node.js的哪一部分? (What is your favorite part about Node.js?)

Definitely the community. Not all technology communities are welcoming but the maintainers of the Node.js open source project go out of their way to help first time contributors and encourage community involvement. I didn’t have exposure to Node.js prior to joining Google but the welcoming community really simplified the process of making my first few open source contributions.

绝对是社区。 并非所有的技术社区都欢迎您,但是Node.js开源项目的维护者会竭尽全力帮助初次贡献者并鼓励社区参与。 加入Google之前,我没有接触过Node.js,但是热情的社区确实简化了我的前几个开源贡献的过程。

您将推荐哪些资源来了解Google Cloud的工作原理? (What are some resources you would recommend to learn about how the Google Cloud works?)

The Google Cloud Platform is a great example of Site Reliability Engineering at work. Google actually has a on how SRE works, definitely check it out! can also be interesting to play with to try out the cloud platform and see how things work.

Google Cloud Platform是网站可靠性工程的一个很好的例子。 Google实际上有一关于SRE工作原理的 ,一定要看看! 尝试使用云平台并查看其工作原理时, 也可能很有趣。

Google以其80/20政策而闻名。 您在20%的空闲时间里做什么? (Google is famous for its 80/20 policy. What do you do in your 20% of spare time?)

I’ve always had a strong passion for cybersecurity, and during my free time I assist in Google’s cybersecurity initiatives — my most recent 20% project was in cryptography. I enjoy the diversity of projects and people I’m exposed to while at Google.

我一直对网络安全充满热情,在空闲时间,我协助Google的网络安全计划-我最近的20%项目是密码学。 我喜欢在Google期间接触的各种项目和人员。

你的工作真的很酷的一件事是什么? (What’s one really cool thing about your job?)

Working on the Node.js team means you get to travel. A ton. I’ve been to a number of conferences across the world, and I love seeing the impact Node.js has made in the worldwide developer community.

在Node.js团队中工作意味着您可以旅行。 一吨 我去过世界各地的许多会议,并且我喜欢看到Node.js在全球开发人员社区中产生的影响。

您在康奈尔大学从事哪些活动? (What activities were you involved in at Cornell?)

I was the treasurer of the Association of Computer Science Undergraduates while at Cornell, as well as a research mentor for the Cornell Undergraduate Research Board. After interning at Google for a summer, I was a Google Student Ambassador as well.

我在康奈尔大学期间是计算机科学大学生协会的财务主管,并且是康奈尔大学本科生研究委员会的研究导师。 在Google实习了一个夏天之后,我也是Google学生大使。

你在大学有什么研究经验? (What research experience did you have in college?)

Research was an important aspect of my undergraduate career. After taking Data Structures and Algorithms Honors (CS 2112), I became fascinated with the idea of how languages are created. I undertook language theory research under the professor of that class, Dr. Andrew Myers, and had a unique focus on developing security-typed programming languages. During my time at Cornell and as an intern at Google, I worked on a number of different language and compiler projects.

研究是我大学生涯的重要方面。 在获得数据结构和算法荣誉(CS 2112)之后,我着迷于如何创建语言的想法。 我在该班教授安德鲁·迈尔斯(Andrew Myers)的带领下进行了语言理论研究,并特别致力于开发安全类型的编程语言。 在康奈尔大学期间和在Google实习期间,我从事许多不同的语言和编译器项目。

我可以签出哪些项目? (What projects can I check out?)

is a security-typed programming language I worked on at Cornell. It essentially allows you to write permissions for each data type instantiation, which can be a bit cumbersome. I helped write a generics implementation to make that process easier for people to utilize. I also worked on , the distributed application framework built on top of , as well as Genus, an extension/improvement to the Java type system

是我在康奈尔大学工作的一种安全类型的编程语言。 实际上,它允许您为每种数据类型实例化写入权限,这可能会有些麻烦。 我帮助编写了一个泛型实现,以使人们更容易使用该过程。 我还研究了 (基于构建的分布式应用程序框架)以及Genus(对Java类型系统的扩展/改进)。

在Google工作期间,您能否谈谈您的旅行经历? 您最喜欢的经历是什么? (Could you speak to your travel experiences while working at Google? What was your favorite experience?)

I travel mostly to meet with external collaborators on the Node.js project, to meet with Google teams in other offices, and to attend Node.js conferences. I definitely enjoy the conference travel the most. It’s very rewarding to hear from people who are excited about features that you designed or contributed to.

我的旅行主要是与Node.js项目的外部合作者会面,与其他办公室的Google团队会面以及参加Node.js会议。 我绝对最喜欢这次会议旅行。 听到对您设计或贡献的功能感到兴奋的人,这是非常有益的。

谁是你的导师? (Who is your mentor?)

I have been lucky to find lots of great mentors at Google. Actually, one of the my most influential mentors was someone I met at the gym. After chatting a few times, I learned he was a researcher in an area I’m interested in. He’s provided great advice and we’ve even gotten to collaborate on a project together which was an awesome experience. You never know where you’ll meet a great mentor!

我很幸运能在Google找到很多出色的导师。 实际上,我最有影响力的导师之一是我在体育馆认识的人。 聊了几次之后,我得知他是我感兴趣的领域的研究员。他提供了很好的建议,我们甚至还一起进行了一个很棒的项目合作。 您永远不会知道您将在哪里遇到一位出色的导师!

您对有抱负的Google员工有什么建议? (What advice would you have for aspiring Googlers?)

Try to get exposure to many different programming languages. Understanding the similarities and differences between languages will help you learn new languages and technologies more quickly. I guess this applies broadly but it’s particularly true at Google where the tools you use and the way you write code may look quite different from what is done elsewhere.

尝试接触许多不同的编程语言。 了解语言之间的异同将有助于您更快地学习新的语言和技术。 我猜这在很大程度上适用,但是在Google尤其如此,您使用的工具和编写代码的方式可能与其他地方的做法大不相同。

最后一个问题:为什么选择Google? (Last Question: Why Google?)

I love working for Google for two reasons. For one, the rich diversity of projects and initiatives happening within Google gives you the freedom to explore whatever might catch your interest. And secondly, Google truly cares about its employees. In countless different ways, I have seen Google do amazing things for its people, and it really gives me confidence in the company I work for.

我喜欢为Google工作有两个原因。 首先,Google内发生的项目和计划的多样性使您可以自由探索可能引起您兴趣的任何事物。 其次,Google真正关心员工。 我以无数种不同的方式看到Google为员工做着令人惊奇的事情,这确实使我对我所工作的公司充满信心。

谢谢您抽出宝贵的时间聊天,马特! (Thanks for taking the time to chat, Matt!)

If you liked the article, please feel free to drop a comment and hit the ❤️ button below. Feedback is always appreciated! If you have any questions about my experience, or would like to ask Matt any other questions, you can connect with me via .

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请随时发表评论并点击下面的❤️按钮。 反馈总是很感激! 如果您对我的经历有任何疑问,或者想向Matt询问其他问题,可以通过与我联系。




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